Thursday, March 25, 2010

Website Rational

The premise of my website is to thank The Rotary Youth Exchange Program. In order to do this, I decided to show viewers pictures of my exchange that show the great memories I had. I created an online exhibition by using my flickr photos and dream weaver. I also wanted anyone that was viewing my site to know where I took the photo.
My heading was created in Photoshop. I took photos from my collection that had an American flag and used them to make a heading. I also used Photoshop to create the ears on either side of the map.
I wanted the information about exchange to be readily accessible to site viewers, so I incorporated a link to the International Rotary Youth Exchange Program website through the words “The Rotary Youth Exchange Program.”
I used css to stylize my webpage making the background black and the text white.
I then uploaded 190 photos onto flickr and gave each of them a heading and a geotag. I also wrote descriptions for some of the photos that required an explanation.
My first approach was very simple: I had all the photos tagged with “tatsuyarotaryyouthexchangetoamerica,” A tag that no one else in the world would have. Then I made a simple yahoo pipe that had a flickr attachment. I asked for 190 photos of “tatsuyarotaryyouthexchangetoamerica,” but none of my photos came up.
On my second attempt, I asked my tutor Ben to help me with my dilemma. He found a more complicated pipe that required the rss feed to my facebook set of photos. The pipe started off with a fetch feed that required my facebook to set rss, which led to a filter, which, in turn, led to a location extractor. When out-putted, the photos came up as a list but it only showed the last 20 of the 190 photos that I had uploaded. When I asked for the photos on the map, one photo came up and placed it in the middle of Australia, even though its geotag should have placed it in Los Angeles Airport.
I also asked for Michael’s help but even he was having trouble with it. I looked through various yahoo pipes and multiple blogs that had stated that they had the solution to my problem but they didn’t. I went back to Ben’s yahoo pipe and started investigating why only 20 photos were coming up. It was flickr that was creating the problem was that the photostream only let 20 photos accessible at a time unless I upgraded to flickr pro. I then made sets of 20 and added each rss feed to the fetch feed. Once I put that through around 15 of the photos came up in there right geotagged positions. Just as I though everything was going well, when I took the embedded code and placed it in my website only 6 photos came up on the map.
After a lot of cursing and pulling of the hair I have given up on the flickr+google maps mashup. I really wished it had worked. It sort of did in the end. I just don’t get how I lost close to 180 photos in a few steps. If anyone wants to tell me what went wrong please feel free to show me how to fix my yahoo pipe Thank you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Week 6

Ok week 6 and my page is looking good I’ve used yahoo pipes to create a google maps and flicker API. I’ve uploaded all the pictures of my exchange to america to flicker. I’ve given each of the photos a location so when my page shows the map of america it will have photos of places that I travelled. Each photo also has a description to explain what is going on in the photo. At the moment I’m having trouble finding the photos that I have uploaded I think it has something to do with the tags. I also don’t want my map to look like it was just place there I want it to flow with the rest of the page so I was thinking of using illustrator to draw pictures either side of the map to make it look professional. Hopefully ill have everything sorted out by the due date.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 5

This week I finished with all the text that I want in my web page and now I am sorting through the pictures that i want to use. As planed I will do a web page on my exchange and the memories and life long friends that I have made. What I still have to do by week 7 is put this text and images into html. Once I have accomplished that I will apply CSS to it and stylize my page to make it look less ghetto. Once less ghetto I will further pimp out my web page by applying mixups and API’s. These will allow me to used shared information on the net and apply them on my page without breaking any copyright rules.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 4

One thing that I have learned about this course is that it moves very quickly. Luckily this week was Canberra day and no lectures. I’m going to use next week to study up on API, div and ID’s. In the last lecture I was told about div and id. I was confused about them both. What I think a div does is separate a selected group using the div tags and it creates a box where you can use css without effecting the rest of the page. Id tags I think can let you style a lot of boxes using just one css id tag. Finally I was told about API which means you can uses other websites html and manipulate it to create your own web page using the other web pages uploads like twitter or flickr. If I have the wrong idea can some one lead me down the right track.