Thursday, May 13, 2010
Data Visualization Rational
My Data Visualization has the coast line from Foresters Beach to Avoca my main surfing spots. Next to each of the 5 beaches that I regularly surf at I have illustrations of waves the larger the picture of the wave the lager the waves will be down at the beach. I also have a wind, temperature, weather, tide and ocean temp Data visualizations to help a surfer in need of some quick information.
I have divided the waves as follows: 0-1ft, 2-3ft, 4-5ft, 6-7ft and 8+ft. I have divided the temperature data similarly 25+ Degree Celsius will inform the viewer by being a red thermometer. A 25-15 Degree Day will be yellow and anything lower than 15 Degrees Celsius will make the thermometer blue. Like the 2 before it my wind data is divided as follows: 0-5kts, 5-10kts, 10-15kts and 15kts+. To measure water temperature I used swimming costumes. A pair of board shorts indicates that the water is 23 Degrees Celsius or more a spring suit suggests that the water is 20 -23 Degree Celsius and the steamer symbolizes that the water is less than 20 degrees Celsius.
I also have data visualizations that don’t use numbers such as my tide indicator which the letters ‘TIDE’ fill up like a glass getting filled with water to symbolize how high or low the tide is at the beach. To show the weather I have stolen the weather report way of telling weather by drawing a picture of the sun for fine, a cloud for cloudy, a rain cloud for rain and a thunder cloud for storms.
I have designed a time line to predict the conditions during sunlight. The time line also shows the times for the sunrise and the sunsets once the mouse is over the illustrations at the start and the end of the time line. I only focused on the weather from sun rise to sunset because once there is no light at the beach every surfer knows that who ever is still in the water is shark bait. I realize that as winter comes by that the days get shorter and shorter so I have my time line along the top of the Twitter API. The very ends of the time line will be from the times 4am to 10pm. There is no way that there would be sun light before 4am and after 10pm at those beaches assuring that there won’t be a crash due to html mess up. The sunrise/set will place them selves on the time line once that data has been received.
All of my Data Visualizations once they have a mouse over them will emit a white glow around the illustration and the exact data or the most accurate data for the viewer underneath the picture.
Every piece of data that is need to create this visualization can be found in or more commonly know as the website for The Bureau of Meteorology.
I imagined this data Visualization as an app on a smart phone so at the very bottom of the data visualization I have a Twitter API. What this will allow the Data Visualization to do is do something that no machine to date can do. Because the sand at the beach is constantly changing the waves at the beach are going to be always different. It is impossible to try and retrieve data or predict the type of wave at the beach. The Twitter API allows people either close to the beach or driving passed the beach to comment on the waves at that particular beach and other people either more inland or just too lazy to look them selves can see what the waves are through the Twitter API. This way a surfer can know exactly what type of waves will be crashing on the beach. Whether it be flat messy or dumpers to beautiful purling barrels you will know the conditions.
I hope one day that I will be able to wake up and see the conditions for my local beaches no matter where I am in the world.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Week 13
A personified thermometer to show the temperature.
Board shorts, spring suit and a steamer indicating the water temperature
A sun, cloud, rainy cloud and a thunder cloud indicating the weather.
Different pictures of a windsock indicating wind strength.
5 types of waves indicating the size of the wave.
The coastline of the central coast.
A tide indicator visually displaying the tide.
A compass to show the surfer his Barings.
A time line that will allow the user to slide up and down to show the varying conditions at the beach within the next 12 hours.
A reference picture showing the times for the sunrise and sunset for a quick reference guide for the keen surfer that wants to be on the first wave but not be eaten by a shark.
I was also thinking of having one of those stock market like banners at the bottom of the page where I would create a twitter API and have surfers twitter the conditions on their local break whether its sloppy dumping or even barreling tubes.
All that is left to do is combine all my pictures into one and show my data visualization to the world.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Week 12
Thursday, April 22, 2010
week 11
Sunday, April 18, 2010
week 10
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Week 9
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Website Rational
My heading was created in Photoshop. I took photos from my collection that had an American flag and used them to make a heading. I also used Photoshop to create the ears on either side of the map.
I wanted the information about exchange to be readily accessible to site viewers, so I incorporated a link to the International Rotary Youth Exchange Program website through the words “The Rotary Youth Exchange Program.”
I used css to stylize my webpage making the background black and the text white.
I then uploaded 190 photos onto flickr and gave each of them a heading and a geotag. I also wrote descriptions for some of the photos that required an explanation.
My first approach was very simple: I had all the photos tagged with “tatsuyarotaryyouthexchangetoamerica,” A tag that no one else in the world would have. Then I made a simple yahoo pipe that had a flickr attachment. I asked for 190 photos of “tatsuyarotaryyouthexchangetoamerica,” but none of my photos came up.
On my second attempt, I asked my tutor Ben to help me with my dilemma. He found a more complicated pipe that required the rss feed to my facebook set of photos. The pipe started off with a fetch feed that required my facebook to set rss, which led to a filter, which, in turn, led to a location extractor. When out-putted, the photos came up as a list but it only showed the last 20 of the 190 photos that I had uploaded. When I asked for the photos on the map, one photo came up and placed it in the middle of Australia, even though its geotag should have placed it in Los Angeles Airport.
I also asked for Michael’s help but even he was having trouble with it. I looked through various yahoo pipes and multiple blogs that had stated that they had the solution to my problem but they didn’t. I went back to Ben’s yahoo pipe and started investigating why only 20 photos were coming up. It was flickr that was creating the problem was that the photostream only let 20 photos accessible at a time unless I upgraded to flickr pro. I then made sets of 20 and added each rss feed to the fetch feed. Once I put that through around 15 of the photos came up in there right geotagged positions. Just as I though everything was going well, when I took the embedded code and placed it in my website only 6 photos came up on the map.
After a lot of cursing and pulling of the hair I have given up on the flickr+google maps mashup. I really wished it had worked. It sort of did in the end. I just don’t get how I lost close to 180 photos in a few steps. If anyone wants to tell me what went wrong please feel free to show me how to fix my yahoo pipe Thank you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Week 6
Monday, March 15, 2010
Week 5
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Week 4
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Week 3
Friday, February 19, 2010
My first couple weeks
In the first lecture I was told that I was going to have to do a blog for my Multi Media Production class. The first thing that came to mind when Michael Honey my lecturer said blog was eharmony. Like eharmony I thought the only people who blogged were single desperate old people. Apparently all ages do it and you don’t just write about what you had for dinner or tell the world that you like long walks on the beach, you can share your opinions and discuss view points to the rest of the world.
My first 2 weeks at Canberra university have gone by quicker than you can say Im my first lecture I was shown the course outline and how the internet works by the representation of ants. I’m not that much of a tech wizz so Michaels interpretation of the internet through ants helped me out a lot. I was also told that the internet has many faults and that it was thought of well before 1991 by a man named Vannevar Bush in 1945.
I have just finished my first full week at University. In week I was informed of how the internet was affecting other industries, different ways that plagiarism can be stopped and different types of blogs. The course gets pretty into the technical side of things and when I first entered the class it felt a little intimidating with words such as band width and disintermediation thrown at you but if Michael keeps describing things as clearly as he does I think I will be alright.