Friday, February 19, 2010

My first couple weeks

In the first lecture I was told that I was going to have to do a blog for my Multi Media Production class. The first thing that came to mind when Michael Honey my lecturer said blog was eharmony. Like eharmony I thought the only people who blogged were single desperate old people. Apparently all ages do it and you don’t just write about what you had for dinner or tell the world that you like long walks on the beach, you can share your opinions and discuss view points to the rest of the world.

My first 2 weeks at Canberra university have gone by quicker than you can say Im my first lecture I was shown the course outline and how the internet works by the representation of ants. I’m not that much of a tech wizz so Michaels interpretation of the internet through ants helped me out a lot. I was also told that the internet has many faults and that it was thought of well before 1991 by a man named Vannevar Bush in 1945.

I have just finished my first full week at University. In week I was informed of how the internet was affecting other industries, different ways that plagiarism can be stopped and different types of blogs. The course gets pretty into the technical side of things and when I first entered the class it felt a little intimidating with words such as band width and disintermediation thrown at you but if Michael keeps describing things as clearly as he does I think I will be alright.

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