Sunday, April 18, 2010

week 10

This week in the tutorial I had to take part in an exercise that made us get Into small groups, come up with an idea for a web site or online service that makes use of our collective intelligence. Decision markets, collaborative filtering, voting, you name it. Explain how using collective intelligence/the wisdom of crowds is different to, or better than, doing it in a centralised, controlled fashion. What problems might come up with building the service? What our group came up in the 45min that we had was an application for a smart phone or ipod. This application would act like a portable suggestion device. It would work like Amazon in that it would suggest items on what you have already purchased. This app would make shopping easier and more efficient. It would also be able to show you where things were that were of interest using geo tagged items. Each of the geo tagged items would have a picture of the item and the variables in stock with prices and suggest things that would go well with the item. It would also share information with your bank account so it would suggest items within your price range. The app would be completely free as it uses advertisements during suggestions. It would also have a memory of the average time that you eat so during that time adds for food companies would pop up.

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